This is our Little League; your Little League. An outpost of an American tradition with roots nestled in the late 18th Century. Our combined locality: a hillside, crossroads village—Berwyn—and a Revolutionary War flash-point site and early railroad hub—Paoli. Upon this land, we raise our families. And upon this land, we share in America’s storied pastime as players, coaches, families and community.
Community really is the operative word. The magic of Little League goes far beyond the laughter and heroics on our fields of play. It’s about neighbors joining together with neighbors. Children shoulder-to-shoulder in the shade of the dugouts and siblings at play on the sun-splashed grass. Friendships born and renewed in the bleachers. Home-grown youth umpires gearing up. Volunteers prepping the diamonds, running the concession stands, and entertaining the crowds from the announcing booths.
Berwyn Paoli Area Little League (BPALL) welcomes your sons and daughters. Together, we will teach them the games of baseball and softball in a safe and fun environment. And, together, we will enrich their young lives with the virtues of respect, teamwork, sportsmanship, and courage.
BPALL features the full Little League cycle of quickball, baseball/softball (coach/machine pitch, minors, majors, intermediate, juniors, seniors), and the Challenger program.
Start your journey today.