League age 13-14 (13 or 14 as of January 1) are eligible for Juniors. Players league age 12 may play Juniors based upon ability level. League age 15-16 (15 or 16 as of January 1) are eligible for Seniors.
Games are scheduled against other area leagues.
Juniors – 13 to 14 year olds (pitching is from 43 feet).
Seniors – 13 to 16 year olds (pitching is from 43 feet)
Depending on player registration, we may field one or more teams in each division. If there are not enough players registered for a team in a lower division, those players are eligible to move up to a team in a higher division. A team from each division is eligible to represent DSLL in their respective Little League World Series Tournaments. A player must play in 60% of their team's regular season games to be eligible for the Tournament Team.
Registration for Spring season opens on or around December 1 and runs through February. Player evaluations will be held in late February or early March. Practices begin in early March. Games begin mid-April.
Vice President of Softball
[email protected]