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Little League

Berwyn Paoli Little League

Helmet Regulations

Regulations on Helmet Modification

Little League International requires batters to wear helmets that meet National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE) specifications and bear the NOCSAE stamp. As the popularity of helmet attachments (c-flap and similar hard-plastic extensions that attach to the ear flap) increase throughout baseball and softball, Little League International has issued regulations on whether helmet modifications are permitted in Little League play.  

Altering a helmet in any way (drilling holes, removing padding, etc.) may cause a manufacturer to void the NOCSAE certification of that helmet, making it illegal to use in Little League play. If you have altered your helmet or intend to, please contact the helmet manufacturer to determine if altering the helmet will void the NOCSAE certification. Note: face masks typically do not require drilling holes or other alterations to the helmet itself.Many manufacturers sell NOCSAE-certified helmets with a face mask already attached or with holes already included for a face mask attachment. 

Can we use helmets with C-Flaps

n order to use a helmet attachment in Little League play, the helmet manufacturer must provide a notice indicating that affixing the protector to the helmet has not voided the helmet’s NOCSAE certification. That notice must be shown to the umpire prior to the game. Little League International has issued a letter to all youth batting helmet manufacturers for clarification on whether or not adding to their helmets voids their NOCSAE certification.

If the manufacturer’s response is not listed on the Little League website and/or if you have not received a notice, or the notice is not available, helmets with an attachment are not permitted to be used.

We encourage you to explore the Little League website for more helpful information. This site includes a full list of manufacturer responses and guidance on whether or not their helmets are still NOCSAE-certified if an attachment has been added to the helmet. 

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