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Berwyn Paoli

Little League

Berwyn Paoli Little League

Verify District Eligibility Documentation

How To
Verify District Eligibility Documentation

Intended audience:  District Tournament Team Head Coaches and Division Managers

District Tournament Team Head Coaches and/or Division Managers need to verify the eligibility documents prior to the start of district play.

When the coach logs into the site, he/she should see a "Teams" menu at the top.

To see who accepted, select Teams --> Manage Teams. You'll get a page like this:

Teams screen shot

Click the "Show Details" under the team name and you'll see who accepted and who is still pending.

Some people may accept without uploading the eligibility documents. To see if any documents are uploaded, select Teams --> Players --> Verifications. You'll get a screen like this:

Player Verification screen shot

This defaults to everyone who registered for the tryout, so make sure you select the team under the "Team" drop down and it will refresh to the 11-13 players who made the team.

You'll have to check each player one by one, click "Files", then if a document was uploaded you can view it and verify. It is possible that people will upload documents that do NOT count towards eligibility verification. Once the document has been looked at and verified, select the document using the check box and click the Verify button at the bottom.

Document Verification screen shot
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